Employment and Contracted Services

Please, spread the word! We are looking for the right candidate to join our team. We are currently hiring for open positions including

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Job Openings

  • No openings at this time.

We believe to achieve our vision and mission of promoting strong, resilient families; housing opportunities; and a safe, healthy home for all in vibrant communities requires a dedicated, professional and diverse team. We work to achieve inclusion and equity in every aspect of our operation.

As employers, we believe staff members should be compensated appropriately and the work environment should be supportive and encouraging. Salaries and benefits are competitive with other progressive non-profit agencies.

When job openings occur, they are posted here and advertised with other media sources to ensure those least likely to apply have the opportunity to do so. If you are interested in joining our team, contact us at Sheen@sheenhousing.org or 585-461-4263.

Also Seeking

  • Construction Manger
    • Local Contractors, including MWBEs and SDVOB
    • Lead-based Paint Specialists
    • Energy Services Specialists
    • Environmental Services Specialists

    Contact us